Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can only go up from here...

It started with a small school. Tucked away in central British Columbia (Canada), the University of Northern BC opened in 1993. When I began attending classes there were approximately 3500 students. Class sizes were small, and the prospect of a new university attracted some of the most intriguing professors from across Canada, the US, and the world, with dreams of creating their own programs, curriculae and faculties.

What most intrigued/inspired me was how a small university tucked up on a hill in a predominantly logging community of 80,000 could attract research, discussions, and collaboration on such a huge range of local and international issues - concurrently! My time there was replete with the feeling that any issue anywhere in the world could be tackled despite the fact that Prince George, BC, was probably one of the places the furthest removed from what might be considered mainstream global events!

So doesn't matter where or what size - providing opportunities and a foundation for collaboration can have limitless results. As Margaret Atwood would say, never doubt that a small group of like-minded citizens can change the world!